Product advantages
The planetary tuned tuning fork is manufactured in Germany according to the calculation of Hans Cousto (the cosmic octave). Each tuning fork is tune exactly on the frequency of the respective celestial body in order to be able to achieve a therapeutic effect.
The therapeutic tuning fork is made of stainless steel and has an ergonomically shaped cork handle. By striking the inside of the hand or with a wooden stick, the tuning fork generates a frequency of 136.10 Hz. This vibration is transferred to the body by putting the tuning fork on the body.
- Beat the tuning fork on the inside of the hand or with a wooden stick so that it is vibration.
- For about 10 seconds each with the handle side on the parts of the body where the bone can be felt. The wrist, forehead, shin legs, sternum, back.

Do you want to know more about it?
As a manufacturer, we are unfortunately only allowed to quote published studies or studies and to put them in a holistic, meaningful context.
For this reason, it is advisable to inform yourself beyond our website about the advantages of our product content. For example, in reputable naturopathic internet or literature sources.
Useful sources:
- WLAN Memory Effect / EMF 22: The WLAN 10 Hz pulsation & the stress memory as an eHS trigger (Prof. Dr. Hecht & Klitzing).
- The effect of the 10 Hz pulsation of the electromagnetic
Radiations of WLAN on humans. A documentation by Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht, Prof. Karl Hecht - Artificial EMG according to WLAN long-term exposure, right of life
Van Klitzing, Environment - Medicine - Society, Edition 29, 4/2016 (Backup) - Hypothesis on How To Measure Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity., Tuengler A1,
by Klitzing L., Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Sep; 32 (3): 281-90. Doi:
10.3109/15368378.2012.712586. EPUB 2013 Jan 9., Doi:
10.3109/15368378.2012.712586 - Influence of electromagnetic fields on cardiovascular diseases, L. von Klitzing, Environment - Medicine - Society, issue 27, 1/2014, page 17
- Pall ml. 2013 Electromagnetic Fields Act via Activation of Voltage-Gated Calcium
Channels to Produce Beneficial or Adverse Effects. J Cell Mol Med 17: 958-965. - Pall ml. 2014 Electromagnetic Field Activation of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels: Role in therapeutic effects. Electromagn Biol Med. 2014 Apr 8.
- Pall ml. 2015 Scientific Evidence Contradicts Findings and Assumptions of Canadian Safety Panel 6: Microwaves Act Through Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Activation to Induce Biological Impacts at Non-Thermal Levels, Supporting A Paradigm Shift for Microwave/ tion. Reviron
Health 30: 99-116. - Pall ml. 2015 electromagnetic fields work over the
Activation of tension -dependent calcium channels to cheap or unfavorable
To create effects. Environmental medicine-socially 28: 22-31. - Pall ml. 2015 How to Approach the Challenge of Minimizing Non-Thermal Health Effects of
Microwave Radiation from Electrical Devices. International Journal of
Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM) ISSN: 2350-0557,
Volume -2, Issue -5, September 2015; 71-76.
Information on the information is not healing or self -medication. Reserved for any printing and sentence errors.