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Food supplements

Live healthy - which nutritional supplements make sense?

Vitamins and minerals - some of these micronutrients are essential. Our body cannot form it itself - except vitamin D. We are dependent on an external supply. A balanced diet alone is usually not enough to meet the needs of all nutrients. In such cases, an intake of nutritional supplements is appropriate. But which nutritional supplements make sense?

Extra vitamins and minerals - do nutritional supplements make sense or harmful?

In certain living conditions, people have an increased need for nutrients. Folic acid is particularly important for women who want to get pregnant. Folic acid is used to prevent malformations during fetal development. In old age or even with certain diseases, the need is also increased. Stress can also lead to an increased need for micronutrients. Because stress hormones require Vitamins in particular for their production. B12 is probably the best known among them. It occurs especially in animal products. The supplementation of vitamin B12 is particularly advisable for a vegetable diet. It is also extremely important for normal nerve function and also involved in the formation of red blood cells. These are responsible for the transport of oxygen in the body - if there is a lack of them, there are fatigue symptoms, among other things. If you want to prevent such symptoms due to a B12 due to a lack of due to a lack of or fix them, then look at our "Millivital vitamin B12 active" capsules. Accepting nutrient -containing preparations can actively counteract a possible undersupply. Vitamin D is one of those vitamins where the population in Germany is most lacking. Among other things, it is particularly important for bone and dental health. Because it promotes calcium. Calcium is sometimes one of the most important minerals for us. Above all, it ensures the stability of the bones and teeth. Dietary supplements are therefore beneficial for health. If the maximum recommended consumption of consumption is not exceeded, they are harmless to health.

Dietary supplements: When does a vitamin D deficiency become a problem?

Vitamin D is known as the sun vitamin - our body produces it when our skin absorbs UV radiation. However, the vitamin D mirror is too low for most people. In Germany in particular, the skin is largely covered with clothing due to the weather. In addition, the sunshine for the second half of the year remove significantly. In this way, the self -made vitamin D simply is not enough. Furthermore, most people also do not take up enough vitamin D about nutrition. This undersupply can lead to a variety of health problems. Vitamin D is involved in various processes in the body. Among other things, it is required for cell division, as well as for the preservation of healthy bones and teeth. During an undersupply, symptoms such as tiredness or depressive moods often occur - also known as "winter depression" in winter. The immune system is also weakened by such an undersupply. This makes the person concerned more susceptible to infectious diseases. Such an undersupply is often only revealed by a doctor according to the symptoms of the symptoms using a blood test. In such a case, the patient prescribed vitamin D-containing preparations, such as pills. A deficiency then becomes a problem as soon as the first symptoms occur. To prevent this, you can consume vitamin D preparations, especially in the winter months. For this purpose, we at Millivital offer special vitamin D3 drops.

Healthy eating for children: Do nutritional supplements make sense?

Dietary supplements also play a role in children. So it is common for infants to receive preparations for preventing an undersupply. After birth, infants are given vitamin K - an important blood coagulation factor. Infants get it to prevent brain bleeding. Likewise, children are given a vitamin D-containing preparation during their first year of life in order to prevent rachitis. These preparations often also contain fluoride for healthy tooth development. Essential fatty acids such as DHA and EPA are also an issue. These fatty acids are particularly important for the development and functions of the brain. Fish contains these fatty acids - however, this is not recommended without pretext due to environmental loads. In such a case, supplementation using pills or oiling is better choice.

What does the supply of vitamins and minerals look like in the population - measured by the recommendations of the DGE?

According to the "national traffic study II" of the DGE, most people do not take up enough vitamins about their diet. This study showed that almost 60% of German citizens do not consume enough fruit. The vitamin D deficit of the population is particularly remarkable in this study. Over 80% of men, as well as over 90% of women, did not reach the recommended supply of vitamin D. Our diet usually contains too few vegetables and too little fruit. In addition, many people spend more time inside than outside. In addition, modern vegetables and fruit varieties no longer contain as many nutrients as previous varieties did. Dietary supplements are very useful, especially in our modern times. When supplementing, note that the nutritional supplements you choose also meet your actual needs. It is advisable to speak to a doctor or a nutritionist beforehand. It is also helpful to have a blood count made at regular intervals.

4 Results

Milli immune micronutrient concentrate

Milli immune micronutrient concentrate

4.9 (13)

29,95 €

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119,80 €per l

6 x milli immune + 1 bottle for free
Sold out

6 x milli immune + 1 bottle for free

5.0 (1)

179,70 €

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Vitamin D3 oil

Vitamin D3 oil

16,30 €

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Immune pension set

43,94 €

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