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Die stille Epidemie der nicht-alkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung

The silent epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a global health problem. This article illuminates how nutrition influences the development and treatment of NAFLD and gives tips on how to prevent conscious dietary changes.
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Fat liver only when overweight?

The focus: The silent epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Prevention and solutions for a healthy liver.

Imagine that you only eat fast food for a month - This is exactly what Morgan Spurlock did in the documentary "Super Size Me". The results? Terrifying! Not only did he increase in weight and his blood values ​​deteriorated, but also his liver suffered enormously. This experiment, which was later re-enacted, revealed the terrifying risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-a growing global health threat.

According to the German liver foundation "If every fourth German citizen is affected in Germany and every third overweight child suffers from this disease-the trend is rising: estimates assume that in 2025 around 55 million Americans and Europeans suffer from non-alcoholic liver inflammation. Results of a current population study from England show that every fifth participant had a nafl at the mid -20s. Six years earlier, the same cohort had already been examined - at that time the proportion of participants with fatty liver was only 2.5 percent. " 

Effects of a NAFLD:
Fast food, soft drinks, too much meat - the NAFLD has made all the most common liver disease in the USA and Europe. The bad thing is, even a can of lemonade a day can increase your risk of fatty liver by 45%. With daily meat consumption, which corresponds to the equivalent of 14 chicken vengeance, the risk almost increases by triple.

The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can be associated with various health problems. This includes:

  1. Liver complications: NAFLD can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. With advanced cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure can occur that may require a liver transplant.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases: An NAFLD increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases that are a common cause of death in people with NAFLD.
  3. Metabolic syndrome: This includes conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and abnormal blood lipid levels (cholesterol and triglycerides).
  4. Further health problems: There is indications that a NAFLD can also be associated with other diseases such as kidney disease and metabolic disorders.


Often a NAFLD initially does not comment on physical complaints in everyday life. Therefore, regular control by a doctor should take place as part of the preventive examination. The diagnosis of a typical fatty liver is essentially made from imaging such as ultrasound, which indicates an increased fat content, and only in combination with increased transaminases in later stages.

Nutritional factors and NAFLD:
But it's not just about fat and sugar. A diet with a lot of animal fat and cholesterol, but less vegetable fats, fiber and antioxidants can promote fatty liver. This is where the Mediterranean diet comes into play: lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes can help reduce the severity of the disease. Why? Because of their anti -inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Certain phytonutrients, such as anthocyans in berries and red cabbage, also have potential against fatty liver disease.

The role of the microbiome:
Surprisingly, our intestine plays an important role. A plant -based diet can not only improve your general health, but also positively influence your intestinal microbioma. A high -fat diet promotes harmful bacteria in the intestine, which release inflammatory molecules. The result? An increased permeability of the intestine and a higher risk of NAFLD.

Cholesterol overload and fat liver disease:
Cholesterol is also a culprit. Too much of it, especially from eggs, meat and dairy products, can promote fatty liver. It activates certain receptors in the liver, which in turn promote the fat accumulation. A long -term study has even established a connection between cholesterol and hospital stays as well as deaths from liver diseases.

The NAFLD is often overlooked in slim people

"The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is an often overlooked but serious health threat. , plant -hugging nutrition, regular physical activity and avoiding obesity are key elements to minimize the risk of fatty liver and to promote liver health. "

NAFLD is not a little thing - it is a serious health threat. However, you can do a lot to protect yourself. Reduce sugar -containing and cholesterol -rich foods and orientate yourself to a plant -based diet. Your liver will thank you! It is high time that we take the effects of our diet seriously and take proactive steps to keep us and our liver healthy.

Frequently asked Questions:

  1. Can I undo NAFLD? Yes, through a change in diet and a healthy lifestyle, you can usually reverse the effects of an NAFLD.
  2. Are certain foods particularly harmful? Yes, you should avoid particularly sugar -containing drinks and high -fat meat.
  3. Is a NAFLD only a problem with overweight people? No, people with normal weight can also develop a NAFLD, especially if they have an unhealthy diet.

Take your diet in your hand! It's not just about weight loss or good looks, but about your entire health. Your liver will thank you! Feed yourself consciously and you will feel the advantages not only in your liver health, but in your entire well -being. It is time to get started.

- Kind regards and see you soon -

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