Saure Gurken - der Klassiker beim Abendbrot
Saure Gurken, ob klassisch oder ausgefallen, diese 3 Rezepte schmecken Groß und Klein. Lass dich von unseren Lieblingsrezepten inspirieren und werde selbst kreativ.
Frische micro-fermentierte Säfte: Dein Turbo für Gesundheit und Energie am Morgen
Erfahre, weshalb frische, micro-fermentierte Säfte mehr als nur ein Genuss sind und entdecke Rezepte, welche dir am Morgen Energie spenden.
Power-Frühstück: Energiegeladene Rezepte für deinen perfekten Start in den Tag
Fühlst du dich nach dem Frühstück oft schlapp? Unsere Power-Frühstücksrezepte bringen Schwung in deinen Morgen und sorgen für einen energiegeladenen Start in den Tag mit gesunden, leckeren Zutaten.
The silent epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Discover how your diet influences non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and what steps you can take to combat this growing epidemic.
Recipe: fermented winter vegetables
Do you want to provide variety in the kitchen even in winter with regional products? Try new combinations and learn more about the health benefits.
Yogurt with a winter apple compote
Refreshing, warming and beneficial at the same time. Recipe: "Self-made yogurt with warm winter apple compote topping. "Surprisingly combined combined from naturopathy cultures and spices.
How fruit and vegetables affect your immune system
A often underestimated source for the support of our immune system is secondary plant substances that can be found in fruit and vegetables. Let us take a closer look together...
Vitamin D - your protective shield in winter
In the cold season, our immune system is often faced with special challenges. Then vitamin D plays a central role in our health. But WArum is this "sunshine vitamin" so...
Zink plus quercetin in the era period
Zink has been known for its supporting function of the immune system for years. On the other hand, quercetin is largely unknown, the zinc is perfectly complemented. We explain what...
Health begins in the intestine
Our intestine is not only an important part of the digestive system, but also plays a crucial role in your entire well -being. A healthy intestine can not only minimize...
9 tips to strengthen your immune system naturally
Your immune system is your first line of defense against colds and other diseases. Get to know our 9 favorite tips, how you can of course prepare your immune system.
Natural detoxification and zeolith
We are exposed to a constant rush of pollution, chemicals and heavy metals. These can accumulate and lead to problems in the body. Supporting detoxification with Zeolith can make sense...